Friday, October 06, 2006

Lost Season 3 Episode 00: A Tale of Survival

This was a recap pre-season 3 just to refresh our memories about the goings-on of seasons 1 & 2 past. Briefly, let's remember what's happened in the world of Lost!

Oceanic Flight 815 famously crashed on a strange island with mysterious "powers". 48 people on board the middle of the plane landed on the beach on one end i.e. Dr. Jack and his fellow Losties and a minority landed on the other side i.e. Ana Lucia and the Tailies! On Jack and crew's side, they discovered a hatch and Locke is convinced that it was destiny that they crashed there to open the hatch. Jack is skeptical typical of the classic Science versus Faith conundrum. Desmond has been in that hatch entering a set of numbers with freaky connotations. Locke is eager to relieve him and Desmond leaves. They find a tape made by the Dharma Initiative explaining that they needed to enter in the set of numbers within 4 mins every 108 minutes or something bad will happen. So they've been doing that... Crazy kids=) Michael couldn't stand the thought of Walt growing up on the island and decided to build a raft to get them off the island, helped out by Jin and Sawyer. They set sail and were euphoric when they bumped into a nearby boat. That is, until they proved to be the baddies and stole Walt before blowing up their raft and landing a shot at Sawyer. The rafties came to shore a while after and met up with the tailies. They explained the other group's existence on the other side and they travelled to the other side and both groups were re-united=)

Michael goes crazy with Walt missing and while on shift one day, a message popped up on the computer claiming to be Walt! Is it a trap set by the tailie-dubbed "The Others"? He stole some guns, locking in Jack and Locke, and set out to find Walt. He was caught by The Others. Jack and a few others had a meeting with some of The Others and were told in no uncertain terms to hand over their weapons and keep away. That the only reason they're alive is because they let them live. It is their island so don't cross "this line". The survivors capture a self-claimed fellow survivor named Henry and they lock him up, suspecting him to be one of The Others! Is he? When he beat up a taunting Ana Lucia, he tellingly rants about how she killed two of their "good people" so i guess he is! Locke discovers a map of other stations on the island that time he was trapped and heard a weird voice over the speakers and the lights going out. His curiosity about the map led him and Eko to a discovery of another station, The Pearl, whose role was to observe their hatch's behaviour! Along with Henry saying he never pushed the button, Locke's faith is crashed when he feels idiotic for having pushed the button for so long! He printed out that station's log.

Back at the camp of The Others, Michael is teased with a short audience with Walt and was told that he would let him have Walt back if he brought 4 people there: Kate Austen, James Ford, Jack Shephard, Hugo Reyes. A crazy trigger-happy Michael shoots Ana Lucia and Libby when he comes back to their camp to execute his plan. He tells the chosen 4 about how he found them and how they should go and get Walt. The 4 agree and leave with Michael. But a suspicious Sayyid made a plan with Jack that he'd go by sea and scout the camp of The Others; how many? armed? and the like, and then send a signal to Jack. But it was too late when he discovered that the camp was deserted! Michael had succeeded in delivering his friends to The Others, who subdued the 4 and brought them back to wherever. Traitor Michael=( Meanwhile, on the day of Ana and Libby's funeral, a boat comes into sight. It is Desmond! Locke tells him that what he'd been doing for the past 3 years, pushing that damn button, it was all trickery! Not real! He shows the log to Desmond during their experiment to see what would happen if the button doesn't get pushed and the timer actually went down to zero. Desmond looks on in horror when he spots the familiar "System Failure" message on the log that appeared on his screen that fateful day he ventured out and left pushing-the-button for too long. It was on September 22! The day of their crash and he was convinced that he must have crashed their plane and that they should push the button because it's all real! You see, pushing the button stops the huge magnet in their hatch from building up force, neutralising it's effect, hence "saving the world".

When they let the timer go down to zero and the hieroglyphics show up, Desmond heads off to the failsafe to turn the key and save them all. He tells Locke that while he doesn't know what made Locke lose his faith, the whole thing is real. When he turns the key, a huge explosion and a blinding light goes off across the island. We see the captives and The Others on the other side. The leader of The Others turn out to be Henry! They keep their word and let Michael and Walt go with means of getting to rescue. Hurley was let free to tell the rest of the camp that "they can never come here". The other 3 are to be going home with The Others. *Shudder*.

"And so it goes... People lost in their journey, lost in their lives. But this island provides opportunity. Some may rise, some may fall. And you wonder: who will lose faith? Who will survive? And who really are the good guys?"