Monday, October 02, 2006

Grey^s Anatomy S3 Episode 02: I Am A Tree

There are always shades of grey...No control over the neurons speeding at 450 miles/hr
Cringe...Mer-Der moment!
I am a tree...Finn: 'I'm *not* that sensitive' *rawr!XD**Whose* panties are THOSE?!Considering her dating;)
McDreamy or McVet?*Rawr* Eric Dane is HOT!

Bet you've all heard about how Canada got a free show on the 21st/09 the other day. Eager viewers tuning in to CTV to watch the season premiere of Grey's with bated breath...and what do they get? The 2nd ep! And that's why the 2nd ep has been circulating for awhile;) What a spoiler!

Anyway, what they sampled of Grey's was this...

Meredith still has her choice between 2 very choice men: McDreamy or McVet? McDreamy or the guy who brings lunch for your sad friend when you're not even home? (Aww...) Seriously Mer, I think a lot of ladies would love to be in your scrubs;) The sad friend is, of course, Izzie, who's still distraught over Denny's loss and is dealing with it Izzie-style: baking lots and lots and lots of muffins. Yummy muffins at that. Cristina is hot for Burke and she arranges a private rendezvous in his hospital room...and then the door opens! Burke's parents watch on in shock the sight of Cristina straddling their precious son in nothing more than red lingerie. Oooh. Way to make an impression! Preston Burke is most definitely a mommy's boy, or more fittingly, a mama's boy=D Bailey is on the warpath, feeling guilty about Izzie's situation, and is angered some more when the interns request that she talk to Izzie and get her to come back because they don't want her surgical talent to go to waste in the land of muffin-baking. Bailey snaps even more when she spies Mer's lost panties tacked on the bulletin board!!=O

And she thinks they're Cristina's (by virtue of the vignette about her stripping in Burke's room spreading around the hospital)!! Cristina is urging Mer to claim the panties when Callie steps up to the plate and claims them as hers (I'm growing to accept the girl=D). This incites George's bout of jealousy since he's never seen these panties before and just what are they doing all lost to be found in the hospital?! Addy requests a day off to drink and come to terms that her marriage is over. Derek is itching to find her to officially have it all be over. Richard has been kicked out of his home post the bust-up with Adele and is living in his office. He discovers Callie in the middle of an embarrassing scantily-clad "performance" in her "home" at the hospital and he basically tells her that while he respects it, she can't stay. And so, he has to go too to set an example. George, admitting to his jealousy, walks in on the seemingly compromising situation with Callie in her panties sitting next to a casual-clothed Richard drinking coffee together. Callie chases him to clear the misunderstanding and she lugs her luggage with her to stay at his place i.e. Mer's casa=)

On the medical front, there's a woman who has apparently shied away from being wild in favour of being the good girl all her life, staying clean and all, but what does she get for it? Lung cancer. Sucks eh. So she proceeds to shun surgery in favour of really living and making the most of what she's convinced will be a short life anyway. While she's drinking at Joe's, she chats up Alex for a little tryst. Another patient is a guy who has a brain tumour affecting the frontal lobe and therefore, messing up his personality. He says whatever comes to mind, be it insulting or just plain rude, and you have to tell him straight that it's rude, otherwise he won't know he's being rude. Quite sad really=( Only his sister is left who accepts him and is there for him. Rather than being impulsive as Mer dubs him, he really is as Cristina says: sick and brain-damaged=( He died, I presume on the operating table.

And ahhh, I see now... The last patient sheds light on just why Ep 2 is dubbed "I Am A Tree". A 14 year old guy went street-luging with his friends and got hit by a car before catapulting 20 feet away to land on a pile of tree trimmings and having a tree go through him=( His dad is crazy scared and later at Joe's, tells Miranda that it's his fault. Yes, kids go wild sometimes but it was his job as a parent to be there and look after him and rein him in. He knew better as he let his son leave the house to go out street-luging with his friends, but stuff had been happening and he didn't step up when his son needed him to. This strikes a chord in Bailey and she finally decides to seek out a still-furiously-baking Izzie at Meredith's. She says that it was partly her fault, the whole situation with Denny. Izzie denied that Bailey could have stopped her but Bailey disagrees. She says that she could have stopped it, would have, but had grown soft after having her baby (and I think, after growing attached to the interns as her little brood too!). She says she's going to bring Izzie in to the hospital to try and get her internship back and grabs the ladle in Izzie's hands, firmly saying it's time to stop baking.

Meredith has decided. She calls both Finn and Derek to Joe's and tells them that she likes them both. And she would like the opportunity to consider her options via some old-fashioned dating;) Neither boy wants to back down so I guess she's dating them both! This should be interesting!;D Derek goes to the hotel room where Addy's at, after finally finding out her whereabouts I suppose. She's in a robe. They go over to the bed. They sit. And they accept that their marriage is over. Derek mulls it over and says it really is sad that that chunk of their life is...over. That is, until the bathroom door opens...tendrils of steam frame a very familiar man who steps out post-shower. Guess whooo... Why yes, the luscious McSteamy!!! (phwoaaarrr=D) Derek laughs to himself, I suppose reflecting on how ironic it was that while he was having a little mourn over the death of their marriage, Addison sure didn't waste any time! He downs her champagne and leaves.

And now we wait for next ep: Ep 03 "Sometimes A Fantasy". Wow, I'm still fanning myself! Eric Dane is set to be a regular cause to fog up our screens, alongside the yummy McDreamy and McVet! (I shouldn't forget the boys in the gang - they're pretty awesome too=D) So make sure you tune in (I don't think I need to tell you ^_~) on 5th/October (i.e. my birthday=D *wink wink*nudge nudge*;)) and enjoy the episode;D

Btw is it just me or does Derek's jaw seem less well-defined than usual? Hmm... Well, I know that the current shadow he's sporting there is a little thicker than usual and less to my liking=s