Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Satisfying that epicuriosity - in bulk!

Wanna take a (vicarious) bite?;)

A little round-up of the various gastronomic ventures I've embarked on that I actually remembered to commit to the immortal borders of digital photography. Enjoy~ =)

Quickie: Some reading material I've indulged in...
1. Chp 6 of Serenanna's The Way of The Sword: Ichiraku Confessionals! Fluffy ^_^
2. Dear Annie by JanuaryEclipses over on ff. A light high-school AU fic (SasuSaku, NejiTen, InoShika and NaruHina). Her writing style is very fun, very readable.

It is that time of the month again. Sobbb. Reached my dl cap for the month=( Even after I upgraded to 20GB/mth=( I must need internet for several businesses or something lol. My ideal internet service? Unlimited dl cap, high-high-speed, damn stable connection. My dream come true=D