Thursday, October 05, 2006

Naruto Manga Chapter 326: "The Cursed One"

Naruto Manga Chp 326 Pg 17

Another excitingly fast-paced and disappointingly too-short chapter from our Kishi! "The Cursed One" continues from where we left off last chappie with Asuma slicing Hidan's head off only for the Konoha shinobi to be left stunned when Hidan opens his mouth, which is attached to his decapitated supposedly left-for-dead head, to verbalize. We knew it wouldn't be that simple though, with all the hints of Akatsuki's Hidan being seemingly immortal.

So...let's get down and dirty shall we?

Kakuzu is still holding Hidan's dismembered head, Hidan still has his freaky reverse-print self going on, the Konoha shinobi are still stunned, and the fight must go on! Shika is up to his limit, Asuma-taichou's injured... Izumo and Kotetsu surmise that with Hidan out of the picture, the odds should still be in their favour though. That is until, as they watch in horror, Kakuzu unceremoniously reunites Hidan's severed head with his neck and proceeds to sew them back together! Just what are these two?! Well, we learn that Kakuzu sure has some domestic prowess there;)

Izumo and Kotetsu charges. Kotetsu wields this cool seashell-like multiple-horned weapon while Izumo casts a Suiton Jutsu ("Ensnaring Syrup Trap"/"Liquid Glue Field"). Their attack is basically: Izumo traps opponent (i.e. Kakuzu) via his glue field, and Kotetsu charges with the ferocious-looking weapon at the trapped opponent (i.e. Kakuzu). It doesn't quite work as planned, however, when the extent of Kakuzu's domestic inclinations unveil themselves as his forearms un-stitch and extend by tough threads to grasp a stunned Izumo and Kotetsu by their necks in a choke-hold.

Meanwhile, Hidan is battling it out with Asuma (surprised he didn't go straight into threatening Shika's hide!) and Shika is just stuck on the floor, at his limit, watching on helplessly. Asuma smirks and mocks Hidan's stale attacks when Hidan reminds him that the reason he keeps doing the same thing is "because it works, retard!". Asuma's expression changes to one of horror when he realizes that Hidan has managed to nick him and get his blood into the ritual circle. And that he's coughing up blood as he registers the sensation of pain. Hidan does have his three-blade impaled through his own torso, after all, and the whole mutual pain thing seems to be back in action. Which does not bode well at all as Hidan yells out that he's about to make Asuma feel the ultimate pain...death! Izumo and Kotetsu can only whisper "Captain..." in horror as Kakuzu smirks, "Too late". Shika forces himself up and begins running towards Hidan and Asuma, yelling, "Stoppp!!!". But Hidan doesn't stop. He drives his weapon through himself in a final blow and leaves a hell of a cliffie!! Kishi, you cruel, cruel man...

Aghhh, I knew I had a bad feeling about Asuma possibly dying=( I'm still hoping that it isn't going to turn out that way. That, despite the way the odds are stacked, something will come through! Maybe Asuma isn't actually under the influence of Hidan's jutsu and everything post-"The same thing again?" is an act. And aren't Konoha expecting reinforcements?! I guess we can only find out come next chapter which, hopefully, doesn't disappoint!=D (Huhu~ No Konoha deaths please! Or Itachi! Hehe I know he isn't even in the frame but just in case=p)

PS: It seems that Naruto Buzz is taking over Jinchuuriki's projects. Ah, so that's why they've been out of the pic! This week's scan is mq and it doesn't have that surreal almost-greyscale effect as per last chapter's but hey, it's the manga I'm after;) And this clean is really pretty good! And on a totally different note, Sassy-chan has decided to turn her balance-themed one-shot into a fic!=D Loved the first chp~